Posts tagged: Tron

Greetings Programs!

By , March 14, 2012 2:12 pm

To the very few who may actually read this post (and blog for that matter):  thankyou!  You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Anyway, use to be the website for my web design business I did while in High School.  I have long gotten sick of that and has been dead for years now.  My “dream” was to eventually turn it into a blog/portfolio, but somehow over the years I never got around to simply setting it up.  Part of it was laziness, but the main reason was that use to be hosted on my home server on port 81.  However, now I have a new shiny VPS from Linode and all is wonderful.

So, with all that said, in the near future you can expect to slowly see this site populated with all my past projects as well as blog posts pertaining to coding and technology in general.  If I’m really really lucky, someone may actually read some of the posts!

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